Friday, January 28, 2011

Screw You CW

I'll be getting to the reviews I promised soon. But first, I'm gonna rant about the CW and how terrible they are.

So, as you probably heard, Smallville and Supernatural were delayed a week, allowing the Vampire Diaries and Nikita to be re-aired because of bull crap reasons. The CW claims that the re-airings are due to a mayoral debate and a basketball game. Bull. The real reason is that American Idol blew their crappy shows out of the water and the CW, shiftily, tried to get Smallville and Supernatural fans to watch their crappy shows with little to no warning.They knew that American Idol was coming on and they still didn't do anything. The delays led fans of both shows went into an uproar yesterday. I was planning on joining them but got caught up with some personal things. But the CW deserves to fall apart after Smallville and Supernatural are done. They have shown both shows no respect what so ever. I can't wait to watch the CW crash and burn next fall. Okay, rant over. I think. Okay, review time.

X-Men #7
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The issue starts off with the X-men going around, stopping crimes and saving lives. You have Angel saving a suicide jumper, Colossus stopping some thieving clowns, and Wolverine stopping a hostage situation. Meanwhile, Scott and Emma are talking to a PR agent. The PR agent talks to the two, telling them all about how she wants to get the X-men on Facebook and Twitter. The agent asks Scott what he wants, and Scott replies that he just wants "the world to love us". Jump to Utopia, where Logan and Scott have a little scene where Logan commends Scott on his gutsy call in the last arc. Later, after learning of a disturbance in Manhattan, the small team of Logan, Storm, Emma, and Gambit head out to figure out what is going on.  The hunt leads the team down to the sewers where Emma is having a hard time figuring out where the whispers of thoughts are coming from. They go down deeper into the sewers and find a room full of dead bodies. They get attacked by a combo of lizards and crazy people. Logan tries to follow the creatures after Storm scares them off and gets owned by his Avengers teammate, the amazing Spider-man.

Now, this was my first issue of X-men ever. I was never really drawn to them and I would have never have picked up this book if not for two big factors. One of those factors is Spider-man, my favorite comic character. Unfortunately for me, Spidey only appears on the last page, but he does get the upper hand on Logan, sending him flying backwards. The second reason I picked up this book is the art duties done by Chris Bachalo. Chris was my second favorite artist on the Amazing Spider-man, behind Marcos Martin. I've seen some of Chris' work on other projects, some of them X-men related and they were pretty good. This issue is included in that. Chris did an excellent job on this issue and it makes me sad that this is only going to be an arc thing.


Avengers #9

This issue is split between two seperate stories: one about the Hood and how he got out of prison and on the trail of the Infinity Gems and the other about the present with Steve Rodgers questioning Tony Stark.  So, seeing as there are two seperate stories, I'll summarize them both seperately. The Hood starts off in Ryker's prison, talking to the guard stationed outside his cell. Parker tries to bribe his way out of his cell, but the guard tells him that he's going to be transferred, seeing as he doesn't have powers any more. Later, the Hood is shown in the cafeteria with his friend where he notices a new guy. Parker's buddy tells him that the guy may be a mutant. A week later, Parker introduces himself to the guy, who tells Parker that his name is Ertzia. The next week, Parker gives Ertzia a gift and Ertzia, taken back by the generosity, tells Parker that he is an Inhuman. Later in the week, Ertzia tells Parker about Black Bolt and that the Inhumans left Earth but he stayed behind. Ertzia then goes on to tell Parker about the Gem that Black Bolt had. Later, the guard that Parker was trying to bribe comes back, ready to take the bribe. Then, in the present day, Parker, back in his Hood gear, heals Madame Masque's face and tells her that the Gems are talking to him.

The second story deals with the Avengers discovering that the Illuminati is still operational. Steve Rodgers is extremely mad at Tony, saying that he trusted him. While Steve and Tony are talking, the Illuminati tell the rest of the Avengers about what was going on. The Thing questions Reed if Sue aka the Invisible Woman knew about it, which Reed says she doesn't, and Luke Cage questions Doc Strange, saying that there were supposed to be no secrets in the New Avengers. Steve and Tony's discussion gets heated until Thor reminds Steve of the situation at hand. Steve, realizing that Thor is right, tells Tony that when this mission is over, he is out of the Avengers for good. The Illuminati inform Steve and the Avengers about the Infinity Gems and they determine that the info was not given out by one of them. Red Hulk tells Rodgers about his plan to get to the other Gems before Parker does and then use the Gems to defeat him. Spidey tries to come up with an alternatvie method but can't. The story ends with Rulk asking the Illuminati where the other Gems are.

At first, I wasn't sure about getting this issue. The last arc ended really quietly and the first two issues of this arc seemed kinda slow. However, this issue was phenominal. The story was very face paced and I really enjoyed the split story between the then and now. Bendis does a really nice job with this story and the art done by John Romita Jr. was great in this issue. Romita's art on the last few issues was okay, but this issue was really good. The eventual fight between the Avengers and the Hood is shaping up to be an epic throwdown that I cannot wait to see.

Story- 5/5
Overall- 10/10

New Avengers #8

Another filler issue this month for New Avengers. The issue starts out with Luke Cage and Jessica Jones at a restuarant. The two, on their first date for some time, discuss the future of their family and their superhero lives. Jessica isn't sure if she wants to be a superhero while trying to be a mother and her and her hubby get into an arguement about it. Luke tries to convince her to get back into superheroing when something falls through the sky with Ms. Marvel trying to stop it. Dr. Doom emerges from the ship and starts to fight Cage and Ms. Marvel while Jessica calls for the New Avengers to come for aid. Jessica then comes to the aid of her husband when Doom looks poised to attack him.  The couple then discover that it really wasn't Dr. Doom and that it was a Doombot instead. The rest of the Avengers show up and the Thing destroys the Doombot. Back at Avengers Mansion, Victoria Hand tells the Avengers what she is able to tell them about the Doombot. After, Jessica tells the team that she is going to go back to being super, going by the name "Power Woman".

So, this was the first issue of New Avengers that I have gotten in a while without Stuart Immonen on art duties. While the art in this issue was okay, it was definitely a step down from the regular spectacular stuff that Immonen puts out. Hopefully, he will be returning once Fear Itself is over. However, while he is gone, Daniel Acuna comes in with an interesting art style. He painted this issue and the art is pretty good, but there were a few spots that were weaker than the rest of the book. The best section artwise for this book was at the end, with the Avengers sitting at the dinner table. That was really nicely done. Bendis writes another issue that got my attention but in the end, it really didn't stick out to me. With a new arc starting up next issue, hopefully the story telling will pick up.

Story- 4/5
Art- 4/5
Overall- 8/10

Reaction Time

So Johnny Storm died in the Fantastic Four arc named Three. This was not my original choice, as I picked Reed Richards to kick the bucket. I didn't think that killing Johnny would provide a large enough spark to effect the entire Marvel Universe. It seems the only ones affected by his death are the Fantastic Four themselves, Reed and Sue's kids, and Spider-man. I have to say, the art looks impressive from the few panels I saw. Too bad I will probably never get my hands on this issue. However, I do not think that this death will stick for long. I, along with a number of others, believe that Johnny will be reborn at the 600th issue of the Fantastic Four or FF or whatever they are calling the book now. It also seems that Spider-man will fill in for the Torch for an arc, as the Spider-man solicitations for March aren't released yet.

It's been revealed that the new Venom is going to be Flash Thompson. Interesting choice, but it doesn't surprise me. When they said that it was going to be someone from the Spidey universe, I knew that it was going to be Flash or Vin Gonzales. I'm pretty pumped for this book, so hopefully it will be good. With Remender at the helm, I don't think I have to worry about the book being bad.

Finally, the Random Blog is on Twitter. Here is the link to my Twitter:!/Random__Blogger

Alright. That's it for now. Next weeks reviews will be of Amazing Spider-man #653, Ultimate Spider-man #152 (if it ever gets here), V's newest episode, and Smallville (on the weekend). Make sure you follow me at Twitter. I'll answer all you questions (maybe). See ya later.

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