Avengers Academy #17
Another week, another strong Avengers Academy issue. After the emotional end of #16 with Veil, the kids get a chance to stop fighting and relax before the real storm hits. Though Pym isn't shown in this issue, he is the catalyst for Absorbing Man and Titania going to the Academy and attacking the kids during their "relaxing" time. There were two great moments in this issue both involving Reptil. The first one was when he went to take on Absorbing Man and Titania by himself. That was an epic moment but there was an even funnier moment when Striker and Reptil have a brief discussion about Tigra's breasts. Was not expecting that at all but it made me laugh for a good bit of time. Sean Chen's art on this issue was excellent and I really dig the rotation between him and Tom Raney. I'm really pumped up for the next issue in two weeks as we draw closer to issue #20, where the shake ups start.
Grade: A
Ultimate Fallout #4
Even though the big news from this issue was spoiled yesterday with the reveal of Miles Morales as Spider-Man, there is still another big shocker from this issue. The other big surprise in this issue was the reveal that Reed Richards is still alive and he returns to Earth with big plans. The other story in this issue dealt with mutants and their tie to the government. Unfortunately, that section was kinda boring, as nothing much really happened to increase the interest after two big reveals previously. The writing was good on this issue but the star was the art. The three artists on this issue were Sara Pichelli, Salvador Larroca, and Clayton Crain. All three of them brought their A-game for this issue and, in the case of Sara, makes me more pumped for the relaunch of Ultimate Spider-Man.
Spider-Man Grade: A+
Reed Richards Grade: A
Valerie Cooper Grade: B-
Overall Grade: A-
Sports Stuff
The NFL is back and crazy as ever. Though all this stuff happened a week ago, my computer has been down and I have been unable to get my views across. My Patriots traded for not one, but two head cases that may be turned around. They would be Albert Haynesworth and Chad Ochocinco. I know that Belichick has done amazing things before but if he can straighten these two out, he is a master.
On the flip side, the Browns have done no big moves which really pisses me off. They had a chance to go after some really good line men but decided to go with what they have. Which is crap, pure crap. Someone on a local radio station mentioned how Cameron Heyward, the Steelers first round pick, is their third string lineman while Jabaal Sheard, the Brown's second round pick, waltzes into camp as the No. 1. Bull crap. The Browns needed to make some moves but didn't. Get ready for a rough season, Brown fans.
The Cleveland Indians pulled a shocker when they traded for Colorado Rockies pitcher Ubaldo Jimenez. However, they gave up the farm for him, trading three great prospects for the pitcher, who is having a rough year after his astounding year last season. As much as I like Jimenez, I think the Indians gave up a little bit too much for a pitcher when they really should have gone for a bat to bolster their line-up. That being said, I am pumped for Ubaldo's first start, rumored to be Friday.
Well, I've rambled on for a while now. I've got a nice post coming up this weekend about the Ultimate Spider-Man TV show and if it can live up to the great, great, great Spectacular Spider-Man.