Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rapid Reviews

Haven't reviewed any comics in a while. So seeing as I got a few comics, it's time for a rapid reaction review post.

Amazing Spider-Man #665

The issue before the summer blockbuster "Spider Island" goes down, this issue takes a look at Peter and Betty's friendship, something we haven't seen really in depth since #583.  After Venom #3 and #4, this is the next issue where something bad happens to Betty.  After Betty is ambushed after Peter flaked on her, Pete goes into full blown kick ass mode, with a beautiful two page spread by Ryan Stegman. As good as the main story was, the two big reveals come in the back up story, which reveals that Aunt May and Jay are moving to Boston and shows that Carlie will have a large part in Spider Island, seeing as she is getting spider powers.

Grade: A

Avengers vs New Ultimates #6

What happened? This mini series started off great but these last two issues have been clunkers.  Thankfully, the final issue of this series is better than the last but it still leaves something to be desired.  The Spider and Gregory Stark are both killed and while I don't care if the Spider was killed, I'm sort of upset Gregory died. He seemed like he was poised to become a big time threat in the Ultimate Universe. Alas, that will not be happening. The art by Leilil Yu is impressive as always but it's a shame that the story wasn't up to par. I honestly don't know why it carried the "Death of Spider-Man" banner on it, as the only time Spidey was brought up was when he got shot and a short mention in the past two issues.

Grade: C+

FF #6

Honestly, I don't know about this issue. I'm still catching up on the Fantastic Four's history so this issue kind of confused me. However, the issue, which did not show a panel of the Future Foundation at all, is easy enough to understand that I needed only a little bit of further backstory. Obviously, bring back Black Bolt is an interesting move and, though it was a good issue, I don't see the connection to the last issue and the overall story arc. However, I believe in Hickman and that it will all make sense by the time it's over.

Grade: B

Ultimate Fallout #1

Last but certainly not least, we get to the gem of the week. I thought that I would never get teary eyed over a comic and Ultimate Spider-Man #160 proved me wrong. Another week, another Ultimate comic making me tear up.  Though a very simple issue, the feelings that the characters have get sent to you, from MJ's scene with Fury to the scene at the church between May and the young girl. Bagley was yet again at top form, absolutely destroying this issue. I cannot wait to see the resolution from this cliffhanger and to finally see Peter's grave and put the literal nail into the coffin of ever seeing Peter ever again.

Grade: A+

Next time: I take a look at the Death of Spider-Man as an overall arc and the bright future of the Ultimate Universe.

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