Monday, May 9, 2011

Goodbye Good Friend

Done with my first year of college and I will be returning to the blog scene starting today.  I'm going to pick up as if I never left and today I write about the end of an era.

On Friday, May 13, 2011, one of my dearest friends will end and it will rock my world forever.  This mentioned friend is the TV show Smallville, of which I am a huge fan.  After starting to watch the show during its sixth season I became an addict for the show.  Thanks to my dad, I became a hero junkie.  My parents got me the first and second seasons on DVD for that following Christmas and I literally didn't see them for a good week and a half.  I was officially hooked to the early years of Superman and I would be hooked for the remainder of time.  Not surprisingly, I started wearing more red and blue colors, even going as far as dressing up as Christopher Reeve's version of Clark Kent for my work's 80's party.  This is how crazy my love for this show has gone.  Smallville was always the one thing that I could look forward to when I had a bad week or what not.  It was quality time between me and my dad and that is something that I will treasure forever.  For me, Smallville wasn't just a TV show, it was a way of life that I kind of now base my life off of.  I, as well as the other Smallville fans out there, will greatly miss this amazing show and hope that something will eventually come along (sooner rather than later) that will replace the void created by this show. 

Goodbye Smallville. And thank you, Tom Welling, for cementing in my mind forever how Superman should really look like.

More posts to come as the Random Blog gets jump started yet again.

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