Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mother's Day Review

Well, if this was the last V episode ever (which it better not be), then it was a great episode.  V has been getting progressively better these last few episodes and it would be a shame if they don't continue the series.  Titled "Mother's Day" this episode had a bunch of motherly goodness and then there was the cliffhanger, which is one of the best cliffhangers I have ever seen.

The episode starts off with Erica waking up from an Anna nightmare with her bed buddy Hobbes there to comfort her.  After Anna and Amy have a little talk, Erica and the Fifth Column talk with Diana, who informs the group that Anna's plans are moving faster than expected.  The Fifth Column decide to assassinate Anna, using V technology and Lisa, who will be "kidnapped" and then eventually kill her mother.  Anna discovers the kidnapping and learns that the Fifth Column wants her life for Lisa's.  Anna goes down to Earth and talks to Erica, basically telling Erica that she is ready to die for her daughter.  Anna meets with Jack, who gives Anna the address of Lisa's whereabouts.  Anna sends a tracker to hunt down the warehouse and make sure that Lisa is okay and that no one is there.  Hobbes gives Lisa the weapon to kill Lisa and the FBI arrive on the scene, with Erica and Chad both being on the scene.  Anna enters the warehouse only, knowing that Lisa is alone.  After Anna unties Lisa, Lisa pulls the gun on Anna and is ready to kill her.  However, Anna fakes human emotions when she sees the gun and persuades Lisa, via a sad speech, to not kill her.  Anna and Lisa leave the warehouse and, while Chad interviews Anna, Erica talks to Lisa, who tells Erica that not only has Anna changed, but so has Erica.  Meanwhile, up on the mothership, Joshua and Ryan break Diana out of her cell and try to get her back into her cell after Erica calls them, telling them that Lisa failed to kill Anna.  Diana gives a speech to her followers but Anna sneaks up on her and impales Diana with her tail, killing her own mother and delievering one of the best lines of the night to Lisa: "Now that's how you kill your mother."  Anna has Lisa taken away while Ryan sneaks off to see Amy, his daughter.  However, Amy has been basically brainwashed by Anna and kills Ryan in a way very similar to the way Diana died.  Erica calls Tyler and tells him everything about the Vs but Tyler wants to hear it from Lisa's mouth.  However, Anna commands Joshua to put a Lisa skin on her new daughter and to prepare her for mating with Tyler.  Erica returns to Fifth Column HQ and discovers that Hobbes up and left, taking all his things with him.  Erica as a nice moment with Jack, telling him that she will change out of what she is now.  Lisa 2.0 goes and starts banging Tyler while Anna forces Lisa, who now is trapped in Diana's cell, to watch everything.  Erica gets kidnapped by and unknown man and Lisa 2.0 does what I knew was going to happen all along: kill Tyler.  Lisa sits in Diana's cell and weeps for the lost of her love while Erica is shown to have been kidnapped by Lars Tremont, leader of Project Ares.  As Erica is shown the home of Project Ares, Chad gets a call up to the Mothership due to Anna discovering that he was in on Lisa's kidnapping.  Anna attempts to bliss every human on Earth but cannot.  However, Amy is able to and she blisses everyone save for those in the Project Ares bunker.  Erica emerges from the bunker, trying to get people out of the trance.  She has no affect on them and discovers that Jack was blissed as well.  As she stands by Jack, crying, Anna and Amy stand looking out the ship as the other ships move in. 

There have only been a few cliffhangers that I have thoroughly impressed by.  This episode was one of them.  I loved the scene of Erica finding Jack affected by Anna's bliss.  It was a very heartfelt scene even though there was no dialogue.  And I really had no problem's with the deaths in the episode.  I knew for the longest time that Tyler was going to die and I kinda had a suspicion that Diana was going to bite the bullet at some point.  The only death that shocked me was Ryan's death.  Just as he was starting to change everyone's opinions about him again, he gets killed by his own daughter.  I hope that Hobbes stays missing for the foreseeable future, as his character is starting to annoy me.  I liked the emotional moments between Erica and Jack and I hope that they explore that when the next season picks up.  I was a little confused about the FBI being part of the anti-V movement, especially when they seemed to be pro-V just a few episodes ago.  I'm hoping that Lisa and Lisa 2.0 have an all-or-nothing fight with the original Lisa emerging victorious.

I really hope that V returns for another season.  I know that this season seemed a little weaker than the first season, but I absolutely loved this episode and the second half of the season, where it really started to pick up.  With a third of the cast dead, possibly dead (Chad) or missing, there would be more focus on the more important characters like Erica, Lisa, and Jack.  There are a bunch of interesting storylines that could be continued like Lisa 2.0, Hobbes going missing, Chad's fate, and how Erica will get everyone out of Anna's bliss.

Massive review post coming on Thursday/Friday, depending on work and school.

See ya later.

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