Friday, February 25, 2011

Remember Me?

Hey there everyone. I'm the RandomBlogger and I haven't blogged in a while.  Too long has my blog been empty so there is a post. There is NO way that I can review everything that I've read/watched recently so I will instead be giving my opinions about basically everything: comics, Smallville, V, NBA trades, NFL work stoppage, and the amazing concert I went to.


First and foremost, Amazing Spider-Man #655 is a thing of beauty.  The writing was phenomenal and the art was stunning.  This was, and probably will be, one of my favorite comics I have ever read.  Slott and Martin completely owned this week and I'm expecting the next issue to be as great as this one was.  The scene with Gwen Stacy and the Green Goblin was disturbing yet very emotional at the same time.  Also, the Uncle Ben scene after Peter beat him up was disturbing yet awe-inspiring.

"Death of Spider-Man" started to a somewhat slow start with Ultimate Spider-Man #153 and Ultimate Avengers vs New Ultimates #1. Right now, the stories have nothing to do with each other but I'm expecting that by UA vs NU #3, which has Spidey and Punisher on the cover, the whole story will begin to come together.  I'm starting to grow fond of Sara Pichelli's work, except for her Mysterio.  He still looks weird to me but besides that, it's starting to grow on me.  And I know that I was harsh on Mark Bagley before, but after seeing some of the preview art for DoS, I'm pretty convinced that this arc is going to rock.

A little side note about DoS, I'm actually a little surprised that Bendis is bringing back Norman Osborn.  The way that he "died" was really memorable and added to the great storyline that was "Death of a Goblin".  I mean, I knew that Norman would come back somehow, but this soon? Didn't see that coming.

On the Avengers/ New Avengers front, I was not very pleased with the stories so far.  The Avengers Infinity Gem storyline is getting boring while New Avengers is not that impressive to me anymore. There is probably a good chance that I'm going to drop one of these books in the near future, which is a shame because they both have so much potential. 

TV Stuff

Smallville has been pretty good since it's return.  Collateral, the first episode back, was a little weak because it was not really about Clark and more about Chloe returning, just like I thought it would.  The next episode, Beacon, was a really good episode with a really shocking twist at the end.  Alexander Luthor, the clone of Lex, is revealed to actually be Conner Kent aka Superboy!!  There had been rumblings about Alexander being Conner but I didn't buy that. When it was though, boy, I was shocked.  And then, this past week's episode, Masquerade, really upped the anty for the rest of the season.  Introducing Desaad while having Clark finally don the glasses makes for a great episode.  And the twist at the end of that episode was great too, revealing that Oliver has been marked by Darkseid.  I cannot wait for the rest of these episodes, except for tomorrow's episode, Fortune, which is basically a rip-off of the Hangover.

Another side note, THANK YOU MICHAEL!!!  Michael Rosenbaum has announced that he WILL be returning to Smallville to play Lex Luthor again. Such great news.  This finale is going to be sooooooo epic.

V has been stepping up its game recently, taking some bold steps towards the end of its possible last season.  Killing Erica's ex and Eli Cohn in the same episode was great, plus there was a Tyler slap to the face in there, which made it even better.  I really hope this show has another season because I love seeing Erica in charge of the Fifth Column and I want to see that expanded more.

Sports News

Today was the trading deadline in the NBA and my Cavs made a trade that I'm not so thrilled about.  The Cavs traded Mo Williams and Jamario Moon to the Los Angeles Clippers for a 1st round pick and Baron Davis.  I do not like this trade despite basically everyone else liking it.  I think that the Cavs should have gone for someone a little younger and is more willing to actually play here and be "the man" of the team, neither of which Baron is. Honestly, I wanted the Cavs to go after Monta Ellis of the Golden State Warriors but, alas, this will have to do, I guess.

The NFL still hasn't gotten a new labor agreement and I personally don't believe that they will anytime soon.  I hope they do get one soon, but I'm expecting to miss a few games right now.  When we get closer to the draft, I will have some version of a mock draft up and I might possibly do a big board when the combine is over. Possibly.

Other News

So, that concert I went to was on Saturday, February 13th.  The headliner was the always spectacular Streetlight Manifesto and it was a blast.  The opening acts, including the Terrible Things and my hometown band the Shams, were awesome as well.  When Streetlight took the stage, everything went crazy. Me and my friend were stuck in the middle of the room when they started and it was like a mosh bomb went off.  I actually lost my left shoe during the first song and went the next hour or so with only one shoe and a sock that was drenched with beer and water.  It was probably the craziest yet most awesome concert I've ever gone to.

So, that's it. I finally posted another post and it feels so good to be back.  I'll try to get a review of Smallville on Saturday along with a full review of Amazing Spider-Man #655 and, if it comes in the mail by then, Ultimate Spider-Man #154. I have a busy week with work and mid-terms coming up so I'll try to get something up besides the reviews, whether it be a big board or the long talked about 10 Things Artist post.  Either way, something will be up soon.



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