Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rapid Reviews

Haven't reviewed any comics in a while. So seeing as I got a few comics, it's time for a rapid reaction review post.

Amazing Spider-Man #665

The issue before the summer blockbuster "Spider Island" goes down, this issue takes a look at Peter and Betty's friendship, something we haven't seen really in depth since #583.  After Venom #3 and #4, this is the next issue where something bad happens to Betty.  After Betty is ambushed after Peter flaked on her, Pete goes into full blown kick ass mode, with a beautiful two page spread by Ryan Stegman. As good as the main story was, the two big reveals come in the back up story, which reveals that Aunt May and Jay are moving to Boston and shows that Carlie will have a large part in Spider Island, seeing as she is getting spider powers.

Grade: A

Avengers vs New Ultimates #6

What happened? This mini series started off great but these last two issues have been clunkers.  Thankfully, the final issue of this series is better than the last but it still leaves something to be desired.  The Spider and Gregory Stark are both killed and while I don't care if the Spider was killed, I'm sort of upset Gregory died. He seemed like he was poised to become a big time threat in the Ultimate Universe. Alas, that will not be happening. The art by Leilil Yu is impressive as always but it's a shame that the story wasn't up to par. I honestly don't know why it carried the "Death of Spider-Man" banner on it, as the only time Spidey was brought up was when he got shot and a short mention in the past two issues.

Grade: C+

FF #6

Honestly, I don't know about this issue. I'm still catching up on the Fantastic Four's history so this issue kind of confused me. However, the issue, which did not show a panel of the Future Foundation at all, is easy enough to understand that I needed only a little bit of further backstory. Obviously, bring back Black Bolt is an interesting move and, though it was a good issue, I don't see the connection to the last issue and the overall story arc. However, I believe in Hickman and that it will all make sense by the time it's over.

Grade: B

Ultimate Fallout #1

Last but certainly not least, we get to the gem of the week. I thought that I would never get teary eyed over a comic and Ultimate Spider-Man #160 proved me wrong. Another week, another Ultimate comic making me tear up.  Though a very simple issue, the feelings that the characters have get sent to you, from MJ's scene with Fury to the scene at the church between May and the young girl. Bagley was yet again at top form, absolutely destroying this issue. I cannot wait to see the resolution from this cliffhanger and to finally see Peter's grave and put the literal nail into the coffin of ever seeing Peter ever again.

Grade: A+

Next time: I take a look at the Death of Spider-Man as an overall arc and the bright future of the Ultimate Universe.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

10 Things-Ultimate Spider-Man Arcs

Hello everyone. Welcome back to the Random Blog, where I will be celebrating the Death of Spider-Man in a few different ways. Today, I will be going over my top 10 favorite arcs. And awaaay we go.

10) Ultimate Knights- Not only was it an action-packed arc, but it was also an arc that introduced a team that I wish would get back together. This arc was filled with epic moments, like Daredevil showing up at Peter's school, crazy betrayals, and an epic finale where young Peter Parker is the voice of reason for Daredevil.  For some reason, I especially liked the ending montage of the team after the Kingpin is caught. 

9) The New World According to Peter Parker- The first arc of Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, the first arc after Ultimatum, and the first arc for David Lafuente.  Not a lot of people liked this arc, mainly for David's art, saying it was too much like "anime". I actually enjoyed the art and the overall arc in general. Mysterio is probably my favorite 616 villain and my love for him carried over to the Ultimate world, as this Mysterio is poised to become a big time threat.

8) Public Scrutiny- A darker arc that involves someone copying Peter's dual identity.  This was one of the first arcs that I fully read when I started reading comics and it remains one of my favorites. While I was never a fan of Spidey being on the outs with the cops, this arc was different for some reason.  Peter being shot and in the process of being arrested really upped the anty of the impostor. And, of course, there was the heart breaking finale, with Captain Stacy dying in the line of combat, thanks to the faux Spider-Man.

7) Warriors- After a few hard hitting arcs, Warriors brought Spider-Man back to the street level with a free-for-all fight between every street level hero and villain.  I was always interested by this universe's Black Cat/Spider-Man relationship and it ended on an interesting yet funny note.  The final fight with everyone involved was very cool and Bagley drew the heck out of it. 

6) Death of a Goblin- Stuart Immonen's first arc was one crazy ride.  Not only did the arc bring back Norman Osborn, but it also displayed a Green Goblin/Doc Ock fight, an awesome Spidey/Electro chase and fight, and, ultimately, the death of Harry Osborn.  One of the things I enjoyed most about this arc was the issue dedicated to showcasing the insight of Norman's mind. Though I was not sold on Stuart's art in the beginning, by the end of this arc, I knew that the book was in safe hands. 

5) The Clone Saga- A re-imagining of a classic and widely disliked Amazing Spider-Man arc, Bendis knocked this arc out of the park. It introduced Jessica Drew aka Spider-Woman to the world and she was embraced by the fan base. The arc had a great twist with the Richard Parker clone and it also revealed Peter's secret to Aunt May.  The other reveal to the Fantastic Four was good as well, even though it added to the number of people who know Peter's secret.  The only down side to this arc was the death of the six armed Spider clone.  But overall, this arc was amazing.

4) Hobgoblin-  This arc finally gave Harry Osborn the exposition that he needed so badly.  It also created one of my favorite comic book villains of all time: Ultimate Hobgoblin. I enjoyed that Harry was being guided by a figment of his imagination and that he remembered Peter's secret.  The arc also ended the Peter/MJ relationship for the time being. Though Harry wasn't in the book for that long of time, this arc was definitely worth the wait.

3) Ultimatum- Tying into the big Ultimate event, this arc was arguably better than the main event.  Bendis and Immonen were able to capture what Loeb was trying to do.  Peter was thrown into a situation that was way beyond his comfort zone and he did what he did best: save people.  Even though his team-up with the Hulk turned out bad, Peter continues to do the heroic thing.  The cliffhanger that lasted two Requiem issues was killer, but the end result was worth it; Peter was still alive. Issue #133 was the cream of the crop, being a silent issue and it made the reader imagine what was being said and with what emotion was displayed.

2) Death of Spider-Man- The best "Spider-Man" arc, this arc was an emotional rollar coaster.  Peter defines the term "hero" in this arc, not only saving his family from the Sinister Five, but also taking a bullet for Captain America.  Bendis and Bagley reunited for this monumental arc and they did not disappoint what-so-ever.  Peter's last stand against Osborn was epic and, during the issue, I thought that three separate people were going to die at different times. Ultimately, Peter passes away in his aunt's arms, doing what he was unable to do with Uncle Ben: save her.

1) Tainted Love- Otherwise known as the Chameleon arc, this is the best "Peter Parker" arc. To look at it, this arc and DoSM are basically 1A and 1B.  The Chameleon arc was essentially two small arcs put together. The first part dealt with Kitty lashing out and attacking anyone not named Kenny.  Then came the Chameleon part. Peter is kidnapped by the Chameleon who, in return, takes over Peter's life and completely screws it up.  This arc was beautifully drawn by David Lafuente, who really stepped up his game and delivered.  Even though Spider-Man barely makes an appearance in this arc, it still remains my favorite because of the Peter/Jonah scenes, the Chameleon/MJ scenes, and the final fight between the Chameleon twins and the Amazing Friends.

Next on the Random Blog, I'll be going over my opinion on the entire Death of Spider-Man arc, giving the pros and cons of it and why Avengers versus New Ultimates is even part of the overall storyline.

See you later.